推廣生意的競賽牌照號碼:56910Trade Promotion Competition Licence No.: 56910

FIFA 女子世界盃抽獎活動FIFA Women's World Cup Lucky Draw
由2023年4月5日至2023年5月4日(首尾兩天均包括在內) (「該推廣期」),受制於以下的條款及細則,凡於愛廸達香港有限公司(「adidas」)香港官方網上商店https://www.adidas.com.hk (「該網上商店」)或實體店消費滿折實價港幣$1,000即可參與adidas FIFA 女子世界盃抽獎活動 (「該抽獎活動」) 。From 5 April 2023 to 4 May 2023 (both days inclusive) (“Promotion Period”), adiCLUB members with a minimum net spending of HK$1,000 at the official Hong Kong online store (“Online Store”) or physical stores of adidas Hong Kong Limited (“adidas”) can register to participate in the FIFA Women’s World Cup Lucky Draw (“Lucky Draw”) subject to the terms and conditions below.
條款及細則Terms & Conditions
- 該抽籤活動的推廣期由2023年4月5日00:01至2023年5月4日23:59止 (「該推廣期」)。The Promotion Period for the Lucky Draw is from 00:01 on 5 April 2023 to 23:59 on 4 May 2023 (“Promotion Period”).
- 該抽籤活動的登記期由2023年4月5日00:01至2023年5月5日23:59止 (「該登記期」)。 就本段而言,時間以adidas之伺服器接收登記抽獎表格時間為準。The registration period for the Lucky Draw is from 00:01 on 5 April 2023 to 23:59 on 5 May 2023 (“Registration Period”). For the purpose of this paragraph, the time shall be determined according to the time of actual receipt of the Member's registration form by the server of adidas Hong Kong Limited (“adidas”).
- 該抽獎活動僅開放給於該登記期前已加入adiCLUB的現有會員及於該登記期內完成 adiCLUB會員申請的新會員(以下統稱「該等會員」)。The Lucky Draw is only open to existing valid adiCLUB members who joined adiCLUB before the Registration Period and new adiCLUB members who joined adiCLUB during the Registration Period (collectively, “Members”).
- 每位會員只可登記參與該抽獎活動一次。Each Member can register to participate in the Lucky Draw once only.
- 該抽獎活動僅限於持有香港身份證的該等會員參與。Only Members who are holders of Hong Kong Identity Cards may participate in the Lucky Draw.
- 提交抽獎登記: 該等會員如欲參與該抽獎活動,必須:Participation: In order to participate in the Lucky Draw, Members must:
- 在登記表格上填妥並遞交必填資料 (包括其姓名、電話號碼、會員編號等);fill in the required information (including his/her name, mobile phone no., Member ID no.) in the Lucky Draw registration form;
- 上載收據照片或由adidas發出的訂單確認電郵之截圖,以顯示他/她在該推廣期内於該網上商店或adidas實體店的一購買訂單中消費滿折實價港幣 $1,000 元;upload an image of the receipt or a screen capture of the order confirmation email issued by adidas showing that he/she had spent a minimum of HK$1,000 in net spending in the Online Store or in an adidas physical store in a single order within the Promotion Period;
- 確認他/她持有香港身份證;confirm that he/she is a holder of Hong Kong Identity Card;
- 同意相關條款及細則;agree to the terms and conditions;
- 於該登記期內遞交該登記表格。submit the Lucky Draw registration form within the Registration Period.
- 參與該抽獎活動的會員將有機會贏取以下獎品:The Members who participate in the Lucky Draw will have a chance to win one of the following prizes (“Prize”):
- 供2人享用的FIFA 女子世界盃決賽門票及來回機票(香港至悉尼)及3晚住宿(5位得獎者);Women's World Cup finale tickets & round-trip air tickets (between Hong Kong and Sydney) with 3 nights’ accommodations for 2 people (5 winners);
- 6 個月的免費指定 adidas 產品(服裝、鞋類及裝備)(總值大約港幣 $20,000 )(2 位得獎者);Free adidas outfits (apparel, footwear, and accessories) for 6 months (worth around HK$20,000 in total) (2 winners);
- adidas 現金券港幣 $10,000 (2位得獎者);adidas cash coupon HK$10,000 (2 winners);
- adidas 現金券港幣 $3,000 (10位得獎者);adidas cash coupon HK$3,000 (10 winners);
- 1 件指定女子世界盃球衣(10 位得獎者)。1 Selected Women's World Cup Jersey (10 winners).
- 結果通知: adidas將於2023年5月17日以電郵、電話、短訊、該網上商店及於《星島日報》(中文)和《The Standard》(英文)報紙上刊登通知得獎者 (「該通知」)。Notification: Winners will be informed about the result of the Lucky Draw by email, phone, SMS, notification at the Online Store and by newspaper publication on Sing Tao Daily (in Chinese) and The Standard (in English) on 17 May 2023 (“Notification”).
- 如得獎者未能按照該通知的指定程序領取獎品,即視為退出該抽獎活動及放棄領取獎品。If the winner fails to collect the Prize according to the instructions specified in the Notification, then the winner shall be regarded as having withdrawn from the Lucky Draw and will no longer by able to claim the Prize.
- 得獎者將會以隨機方式抽選。The winners will be chosen at random.
- adidas將不對參與者因參與該抽獎活動而產生的任何簽證費、稅款或其他費用負責。adidas will not be liable for any visa fees, tax, or other costs incurred by the participant in connection with the Lucky Draw.
- 所有現金券不能全數或部分兌換現金。All cash coupons cannot be redeemed for cash in whole or in part.
- 如有任何爭議,adidas 將保留最終決定權。In case of any disputes, adidas reserves the right of final decision.
- 如本條款及細則的中、英文版本有任何抵觸或不相符之處,應以英文版本為準。If there is any inconsistency or ambiguity between the English and Chinese versions of these terms and conditions, the English version shall prevail.
推廣生意的競賽牌照號碼:56910Trade Promotion Competition Licence No.: 56910